Saturday 25 October 2014


Campaigner Simon Howes met me at the last Liverbeards get together at Baltic Fleet to officially accept my £306 raised for CALM (Campaign Against Living Miserably) at BeerdFest. CALM are a  men's mental health charity raising awareness to try and reduce suicide and #savethemale.

The great thing about beards is they have such potential to bring people together. I love chatting to chaps about the whys and whens of their awesome beards, and because over the years I've papped a lot of stranger's beards in the street I get to hear little stories from all over - and you know what they say - the truth is often stranger than fiction!

One of my fav all time beard shots was a guy John from Birmingham Coach Station... a massive Gandalf-beard he had, then there was a biker dude in Palm Springs, California who I beard-stalked down the strip into a hat shop then popped up with my weird British accent asking for a pic haha beard blogging is fun I tells ya!

Next year BeerdFest returns on World Beard Day September 5th 2015 so save the date and get growing for the show ;)

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